Sofia Kafol | 11'30
Dancer, artist, human, weeping willow, body-archive, dynamite, queer, green island, body of pleasure, woman in this society. A journey of deconstruction: physical, emotional, sensorial, personal, sociological, human, and imaginary. Melting beauty into monstruous, letting go to sprout again, a metamorphosis that is continuous, fluid, feminine. I dive into sensorial memories, through what the body accumulates, distorts, vomits, metabolises, creates, dreams, lives, loves, leaves, transforms, disgusts, desires. My intimacy as a starting point. A scream. A body available to listen. An act of courage.
Conception and performance: Sofia Kafol
Photographgy: Allegra Palù, Massimiliano Arnone, Giulia Zuccheri
Teaser conception: Tomaž Kafol
Support: Oficina ZERO (PT), Danza STEP Trieste (IT)
Acknowledgment: Lea Siebrecht
© Massimiliano Arnone