13 March 2023, Coliseu Porto Ageas
Projeções is a cycle of presentation of works by emerging artists and future creators. The aim is to support these artists in the creation and dissemination of their projects.
Selection team: Elisabete Magalhães and Jorge Gonçalves
Call Me Three Times
Katarina Lanier
Call Me Three Times is a play that navigates between fragments of dream states and realities of desire. It is an exploration of possible fantasies and their limits. Once a fantasy is located and formulated, what are the consequences of making those dreams tangible? Through segments articulated with live video projection, pre-recorded video and live action, the author invites the audience to explore the multiple facets of their own questioning and vulnerabilities and their falsification. This work was developed in the scope of PACAP 5 - Advanced Program for Creation in Performing Arts curated by João Fiadeiro in collaboration with Márcia Lança, Carolina Campos and Daniel Pizamiglio and promoted by Fórum Dança.
Year: 2022
Characteristics of the work: 40 minutes, Dance piece with visual arts. Excerpt of 20 minutes.
Choreographer, Performance, Scenography: Katarina Lanier
Acknowledgements: Daphnée Gharaee, Biljana Lanier
Estudo #1
Beatriz Gaspar
If the image is the language of time, the word is the language of space. In what way does a set of biographical landscapes help us think about a universal affective geography? Resulting from a family archive collection and study process, this object is developed around a photographic sequence starred by a self-fictionalized female subject, in an exercise that elects the singular as the favourite place to think plural dynamics of immanence and transcendence, consciousness and action. In a reflection on the image-type and the subject-object logics that the portrait offers, this project is constituted as the first materialization of what is a prolonged research on the relationship between the one who sees and the one who is seen.
Creation and performance: Beatriz Gaspar
Based on a visual essay by Beatriz Gaspar and excerpts from Apresentação do Rosto, by Herberto Hélder
Scenic space: Beatriz Santos, Fernandes de Pinho
Sound design: João Hasselberg
Light: Pedro Guimarães
Support: Largo Residências, Polo Cultural Gaivotas | Boavista, Espaço Casa Cheia, Cossoul
Acknowledgements: Sabrina D. Marques, Matilde Calado
Lá Fora/ Cá dentro
Joana Pinto, João Almeida e Susana Vilar
What's out there? How many people, flowers, animals, worlds? And what's inside? How many thoughts, emotions, sensations?
Nowadays, the separation between "inside" and "outside" has become very clear and restricted. However, are we able to look outside and understand all the "insides" that exist beyond us? What do I think of the world and what do I think of myself? How do I influence the world and let myself be influenced by it? Are we connected?
If we lived only inside, what would be left for us? And if we only met outside, what would be left of us?
Artistic direction, choreography and interpretation: Joana Cunha Pinto, João Almeida, Susana Vilar
Musical composition: Joana Cunha Pinto
Photography and video Catarina Feio, Flávia Costa, Gabriel Monteiro
Production: João Almeida, Maria João Sá - DCTR Cultural Association
Support: 23 milhas, AgitLab, Quartel das Artes with the collaboration of Planeta Tangerina publishing house
A project financed by Direção Regional da Cultura do Centro