Com Pedro Carvalho
Sat 22 Feb | 10h-12h | balleteatro
From the book Flooded, Mariajo Ilustrajo.
Edition: Fábula
Balleteatrinho is a workshop where participants are invited to experiment with movement and the interpretation of a children's literary work. It's a workshop to raise awareness and introduce them to the world of dance, theatre, cinema, circus, visual arts and music, by stimulating their creativity and imagination. At the end of the session, family members are invited to watch the results of the workshop in a short play presented by the participants.
Concept: Isabel Barros
Pedro Carvalho. Teacher, choreographer and founder/director of Ventos e Tempestades - Associação Cultural (Vila do Conde). He has developed dance projects with the community, including the plays Quero falar-te, Bater à Porta, Junto ao Rio and Debaixo da Pele. He intersects science and art (maths and dance), creating O Silêncio das Esferas (NEC, 2000), O Homem que só pensava em números and 30por1linha (Companhia Instável, 2011) and O homem que só pensava em números (Solo), a co-production between Companhia Instável and Ventos e Tempestades. He is a trainer/associate artist with the LLTA - Learning Through The Arts programme in Germany.