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Balleteatrinho Artes Circenses

With António Oliveira / 4-8 years old

Based upon the book "Para que serve" by José Maria Vieira Mendes e Margarida Matoso (Planeta Tangerina)

Balleteatrinho is a workshop where participants are invited to experience the movement and interpretation of a children's literary work. It is a workshop for raising awareness and introducing the world of dance, theater, cinema, circus, plastic arts and music, based on the stimulation of creativity and imagination. At the end of the session, family members are invited to watch the result of the workshop in a short piece presented by the participants. Concept: Isabel Barros

António Oliveira
Co-director of Companhia RADAR 360º, he is a multidisciplinary artist. He works in the fields of Physical Theatre, Circus Arts, and Electro-Acoustic Music. He focuses his research work on the dreamlike and poetic relationship between the body, space and object.

Application form: 

February 2025
March 2025
April 2025