Projeções é um ciclo de apresentação de trabalhos de artistas emergentes e futuros criadores.
O objetivo é apoiar estes artistas na criação e divulgação dos seus projetos.
Equipa de seleção: Ivo Saraiva e Jorge Gonçalves
Cochon de Cauchemar
Maria R Soares
Vera Santana
ou sonho ou chove
Margarida Queirós
composição | arar o solo com derivas e mistérios
Flávio Rodrigues
Como elementos preambulares, recorro a quatro folhas brancas quadradas, separadas por uma pequena margem, onde repousam objetos e materiais encontrados em caminhadas por ruas e praias, bem como em visitas a casas e fábricas abandonadas. Ao longo do processo, os materiais que foram, digamos, marcando presença, destacam-se por sua característica fragmentada, como, por exemplo, materiais arenosos.
Inicialmente, o que me interessou foi recolher essas materialidades associadas a uma ideia de natureza — extraídas e colocadas em contextos de construção, como uma casa, por exemplo, que se desmoronou, deixando esses elementos deslocados de seu ponto de origem, negligenciados e desprovidos de funcionalidade. No estúdio, esses materiais, através de uma dinâmica de afeto, são cuidadosamente tratados, alojados e reparados como elementos fulcrais, resgatando-lhes e atribuindo-lhes novas potencialidades, significações e virtualidades.
A edificação que se ergue sobre e entre as folhas emerge de maneira semelhante e em continuidade com criações anteriores, originando-se de práticas experimentais e intuitivas, sendo processual na sua construção e reflexão, com um caráter performativo e resultando em um dispositivo expositivo.
Extemporânea is a collaborative curatorial project, which consists of developing a programme of performances and/or performative installations, taking place over two days and on an annual basis, in which the artists are called upon to articulate their artistic practices with the social, economic and political conjuncture inherent in the location of each edition. The conceptualisation of the Extemporânea programme proposes an expansion of the notions of choreography and performativity to different social and geographical contexts in the city of Porto. With critical and discursive thinking, we invite artists to experiment with different presentation formats and audience reception modes, in terms of the space-time experience and the spectrum of possibilities between audience participation and contemplation.
The second edition of Extemporânea takes place on 15 and 16 June 2024 and features a programme of performances, concerts and audio walks designed specifically for the Business Centre of the former Dunil factory. This industrial complex, the site of an important 20th century shirt factory, is currently being refurbished but retains a number of elements and traces of its history. The suspended temporality, and at the same time its openness to new manufacturing activities, opens up this space to different dimensions, between what was and what is to come, what remains and what disappears. The typology of these industrial spaces, which acquire new functions while maintaining the previous architectural layout, highlight the tension between the different strata of memory, placing us before a spectrum of the immaterial mechanics of the body's relationship of effort with itself, with objects, machines, concrete and abstract entities. As a liminal space, we provisionally occupy the former Dunil factory, with artistic proposals that equate a series of modes of activation and performative listening, which are positioned between the archaeological imagination of the past and the projection of visionary futures.
At the intersection of performance and media art, Né Barros and João Martinho Moura have developed work where presence, memory and the duplication of universes are articulated in alternative narratives. EDNI is João Martinho Moura's expression for a Dense and Unlimited Space which, in this project, is presented as a magnetic field and where AI transforms images of two women: the body producing an initial movement and the body of the reinterpreted movement.
On stage there is a giant, magnetic pendulum, which guides and attracts and which, together with the performer, translates this limited and dense space. There, the gesture tests forces, attraction and distances between bodies are played out. This is a material place that naturally follows physical laws. It is in dialogue with this simultaneously physical and fictional place that projections of images appear, at the limit of their distortion, of women who summon up a serenity and suspension of a memory of a matrix and sensual body. These bodies reveal a condition of women as trans-temporal images. EDNI is a hybrid show in which the performing body, the projected images and a pendulum materialise a magnetic field and a poetic relationship between the three entities. Edni features scenography by the FAHR 021.3 collective and a performance by Vivien Ingrams and is a co-production with the Aveirense Theatre as part of the National Capital of Culture.
Image. Pendulum. Body. Woman. In this fictional space, images of two women transform, mutate. Movement-matrix and movement-representation. Two bodies summon past, present and future. The matrix movement of the absent body, the author and memory. The present body, the performer and the future place. Basically, particles in an Unlimited Dense Space (EDNI). Matter that interrupts and determines. History that could tell of a woman's condition. For a moment, a mouth that opens to a mute voice. It speaks of itself, but nothing is heard. Body, animal, flesh and skin that hides the colour of blood and which the images mix and project a mutant, serene and disturbing body. As if everything were under control. Matter that says nothing, moves in time, interrupts time. The pendulum marks time and place, it reminds us of our limits. We spin on it. - Né Barros